Nicola Grainger
Holistic Therapies
Naturopathic Nutrition, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Hot Stones, Deep Tissue & Classical Massage
Naturopathic Nutrition
Naturopathic Nutrition is a therapeutic tool, to aid those with chronic health conditions to get to the root cause of and improve, remove and even potentially reverse their symptoms, using dietary and life-style interventions, through thorough testing and if deemed necessary, supplementation.
Naturopathic Nutrition focuses on working with the healing power of our own body, given the right ingredients and environment, working on the person as a whole, rather than separate parts or symptoms, exploring underlying causes, applying the most natural approach with the aim to do no harm, to educate and promote prevention.
Food as medicine has been used for thousands of years, with ancient documentation from the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian Ayurvedic systems, including the use of herbs, spices, mushrooms, fruits and vegetables, which are still in use today.
After an in-depth consultation a personalised protocol will be prepared, with recommendations of dietary changes/improvements, lifestyle interventions and any suitable testing and/or supplementation required, with continued support for as long as needed.
Naturopathic Nutrition can be beneficial for many things including and not limited to
Chronic Fatigue
Autoimmune Conditions
Hormonal Disorders
Inflammatory Conditions
Urinary Tract
Musculo-Skeletal Conditions