Nicola Grainger
Holistic Therapies
Naturopathic Nutrition, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Hot Stones, Deep Tissue & Classical Massage

Corona Virus (Covid-19) Clinic Measures
I have been following government guidance and following advice from The Federation of Holistic Therapists and have undertaken several online education courses covering health and safety and prevention of cross contamination, to ensure I operate as safely as possible, here are the updated measures for your information.
I will need every client to inform me if they have had or been in close contact with anyone who has contracted Covid - 19 or if you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid - 19 such as - Fever, shortness of breath, Extreme exhaustion, Non-Productive cough - Diarrhoea & Vomiting, Muscle pain (Unusual), Loss of sense of smell and/or taste or if you have a Rash. There will be a declaration for you sign confirming this.
By law I have to keep a record for 21 days of anyone I have in my treatment room & to pass on their details to track & trace if requested. You do have the right to refuse this. There will also be a QR Code poster available for those using the Check & Trace Covid – 19 App.
My usual consent form still needs to be filled, and any new information for me relevant to your treatment; a new health condition, any recent accidents, injuries or operations etc. needs to be declared. Prior to your appointment I shall arrange a telephone consultation to find out your expectations and needs for your treatment and an idea of which oils you might like me to use so I can pre-blend them before your arrival.
Upon arrival I shall greet you at the door wearing a visor and mask, I ask that you wear a mask to the door & in the house during arrival and departure and if using the bathroom facilities. You may remove the mask once inside the treatment room for your comfort during treatment.
There will be a contactless hand sanitiser at the entrance for you to sanitise your hands upon entry and exit, and also in the toilet area. 
Once in the treatment room unfortunately we won't have the chance to have a good natter, as it has been recommended to reduce contact time as much as possible and I would like you to get the most from your time on the treatment table, so any information you wish to convey should preferably be included during our earlier contact.
Soft porous materials and items difficult to clean, such as excess cushions, magazines, posters etc will have been removed from the room. The sofa will be covered in a wipeable cover and a box will be provided for your items of clothing, shoes, bags etc. Your massage table will still be covered with sheets, towels etc for your comfort.
Please bring your own water bottle to stay hydrated. 
We have previously been advised to avoid the high-risk zone of the body which is also known as the breath zone, which is the face & chest area, there will be no treatment carried out on the face and chest area. This is no longer suggested but for the time being I shall continue to avoid this area.
We have also been advised to avoid skin to skin contact unless extremely necessary & the use of gloves have been recommended.
At the high end of cross contamination control is to eliminate the hazard (contaminant) I shall be doing a thorough clean between clients following government guidelines, disinfecting all hard surfaces including the front door, door handles, doorbell, door knocker, bathroom facilities, all linen and face cradles, blankets, towels etc changed and washed to the NHS guidelines. Massage table disinfected and a change of uniform between clients. Hair up, nails short, hands and arms up to the elbows cleaned. With the treatment room being well ventilated between clients.
Payments, as you may be aware contactless payments have been recommended recently, to reduce cross-contamination I have the facilities to offer this, I will also accept bank transfers but I am also happy to accept cash, it can be left in a bowl on the side. Please bring the correct money if possible. 
Guidance & courses attended
Government Guidance – Working safely during covid-19 Close contact services https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/close-contact-services
Federation of Holistic Therapists - https://www.fht.org.uk/coronavirus
Jennifer Young - Control of Cross-infection in a Post-COVID-19 World
Gateway workshops - Covid-19 Health, Safety And Hygiene – Returning To Work 
Jing Advanced Massage Training – Corona virus/covid-19. Everything a massage therapist needs to know to get back to work.